EIN Application

Obtain Your EIN with Ease and Accuracy

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique 9 digit number used to identify a business, especially when it comes to taxation and financial transactions.

In the United States, many registered businesses — but not all — will receive an EIN. Whether you plan to hire employees or engage in financial transactions, having an EIN is essential. At Manay CPA, our team is here to help new business owners determine whether or not their business requires an EIN, as well as how to obtain one.

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How Manay CPA Can Help You

EIN Application Guidance

EIN Application Guidance

EINs are essential for various financial and legal transactions, including opening a business bank account, applying for licenses and permits, and filing taxes. If your business has or plans to hire employees, operates as a corporation or partnership, or plans to open a retirement plan, then you will likely need an EIN. The process of applying for and obtaining your EIN involves submitting an application to the IRS, either online, by mail, or by fax. We will help you choose the most convenient method for your business and handle all the paperwork so you can focus on launching your business.

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To start working with us call at 404-900-1040!
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