Evaluation Report

Tax Strategies for Your Business

Whether you establish your business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), corporation, or any other entity type, understanding the implications of each choice is essential. Our experts will help you assess your business needs and goals in relation to liability, taxation, and management in order to determine the best structure for your business that will minimize your overall tax liabilities.

To get a free consultation or start working with us, fill out the form.

How Manay CPA Can Help You

Choosing the Right Business Entity and Location

Choosing the Right Business Entity and Location

Your business structure and the states in which your business operates each play a major role in dictating your business's legal framework and financial implications. We will help you navigate the pros and cons based on your business objectives and ensure you set up shop in the right location and build the right structural foundation.

Minimized Tax Liability

Our expert team of tax professionals has decades of experience with generating business solutions that optimize savings and reduce tax bills. We will evaluate your unique business situation and identify opportunities to minimize your tax liability.
Minimized Tax Liability
Strategic Financial Decision Making

Strategic Financial Decision Making

Starting a business might seem fairly easy to some, but keeping a business running year after year can be quite difficult. It is important to develop strategic business plans and implement best practices for financial management. Our team will assess your unique business structure, objectives, and financial situation and develop strategies that will help your business run smoothly and successfully while remaining in full compliance with the law.

Ready to get started?

To start working with us call at 404-900-1040!
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